Merge EntityPrivilege with MethodPrivilege

dear all,

i got stuck with the policy to access my data, maybe my “workflow” is wrong …

  • i have a model Vehicle

  • i have user with a role Maintainer. They can modify via controller1 their own vehicles, or vehicles they got access to. the model has an array-field allowedEmails which is checked against the email of the logged in user. so i have an EntityPrivilege like
    matcher: ‘isType(“…\Model\Vehicle”) && !(property(“allowedEmails”).like(“context.myContext.emailpattern”)’
    So they just see “their” entities …

  • and i have user with the role Observer. they are allowed to view ALL vehicles via controller2

that’s working fine, but now i have a user who is Maintainer AND Observer, and he/she should get access to either ALL entities (via controller2) or HIS/HER entities (via controller1), so this would be a combination of MethodPrivilege and EntityPrivilege similar to ‘isType(“Vehicle”) && method(Controller1->indexAction()) && !(property(“allowedEmails”).contains(“myemail”))’

how to solve that? do i have to create an own CustomPrivilege-Class? does it help if i would split the scenario to 2 different hosts ( and

any help would be appreciated!


I’d say at this point you want to move away from entity privileges and implement the filters per user group (AND controller) in your userland code. That way you have full control when which filter is applied.
The entity privilege is global so you get either behavior everywhere, it’s really for the case where someone should never see those entities and it’s all through a single endpoint/controller.

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