I tagged bugfix releases for Neos.
Thanks to all the contributors who helped with this release <3
- @kdambekalns (Karsten Dambekalns)
- @lorenzulrich (Lorenz Ulrich)
- @Benjamin-K (Benjamin Klix)
- @robinroloff (Robin Roloff)
- @Sebobo (Sebastian Helzle)
- @dlubitz (Denny Lubitz)
The following fixes are included in the new version 8.3.19:
- #5443: “TASK: Render command references”
- #4236: “TASK: Fix MySQL migration differences on fresh setup”
- #5343: “BUGFIX: Add missing event emitters to internal node properties”
- #5281: “BUGFIX: Force direct access on setting node properties in node data similarize”
- #5432: “BUGFIX: Fixed table view of asset editor”
- #5426: “BUGFIX: Correct node naming scheme in nodetype definition example”
- #5433: “TASK: Make nullable parameter explicit to become PHP 8.4 compatible”
- #5325: “TASK: Allow setting itemsPerPage in user administration listing”
- #5206: “BUGFIX: Share same role details when adding user as when editing them”
See also Neos - 8.3.19 ChangeLogs