During our Post Conference Sprint in Karlsruhe we opted for a brainstorming based Neos team workshop instead of our usual in person retrospective.
The discussions quickly focused on these topics:
Team member activity and communication
- Team meetings: They did have less and less attendance in the past and the last summary on discuss was posted in 2023.
- Are our time slots still good suited for us?
- Why did we stop documenting our meetings? People who can’t attend relied on those documentations to keep in touch with whats happening
- We have 4 regular meetings during the week (Tuesday team meeting, Wednesday team meeting, Wednesday Marketing weekly, Friday Neos 9 weekly)
- The friday weekly has a good structure and regular attendance. Let’s keep this up
- The friday weekly has a good structure and regular attendance. Let’s keep this up
Idea: Ask our team members about new time slots
Idea: monthly blog post and/or newsletter about “what happened in the project” (our marketing team has this already on their task list)
- Team activity:
- It’s sometimes unclear, especially for decision-making, who is active at the moment or who is currently unavailable but will be active again in the foreseeable future.
- We want to show, that beeing a Neos team member doesn’t have to be associated with coding. Therefore, we might want to add roles / tasks or interests regarding the Neos project to our team page.
Idea: Regular quarterly team meetings in a larger group.
Idea: Create an semi-annual opt-in poll to determine who is currently active
Idea: Show inactive members in a dedicated section on neos.io
Appreciation of our contributors
- We want to continue naming of contributors in releases. Major, minor and bugfix releases.
- There are people who contribute regularly and don’t want to be part of the team - how do we honour that?
Idea: Create a concept for “Core Contributors”
- We need to continuously highlight, that contribution is not only about coding.
For example, the Neos team itself does not only consist of developers.
Action Items
- Create a regular Opt-In activity poll for Neos Team members (@ahaeslich, @christianm, @sebobo)
- half-yearly regular poll
- Concept for “Core Contributors” (@KallertPa, @daniellienert, @ahaeslich)
- What is the difference to the Neos Team?
- Which rights e.g. in github (or other tools) would be needed to enable people?
- Create a poll to figure out new time slot(s) for our team meetings (@lubitz)
- Refactor the team page on neos.io (@sebobo, @sregniet)
- Look into options for a centralised rights management (@robert)
- Proposal for team member and/or contributor help icon (@bwaidelich)
Follow ups
As we had limited time to discuss everything in detail, some topics we will need to address in further dedicated meetings:
- Do we have a clear overview in the Neos Team which tasks we have to take on? Are there any blank spots we need to address and/or can we enable people to help us with?
- We might want to reconsider what the structure and goal of our team meeting is. Maybe its not as clear at the moment as it should be?