Neos Demo Installation not working


I recently installed neos on my Ubuntu with the following guide:

At point 3. I used the “from scratch”-option.

Then I went through this tutorial:

on point 7.1 i used the NEOS.DEMO-package and added a custom-package.
The installation worked, but as soon as I added a text-node in the backend the backend showed the following error:

Exception #1332493995 in line 417 of /var/www/html/neos-example/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/Neos_Fusion_Core_Runtime.php: The Fusion object Neos.Demo:Content.Text cannot be rendered:
Most likely you mistyped the prototype name or did not define
the Fusion prototype with prototype(Neos.Demo:Content.Text) < prototype ... .
Other possible reasons are a missing parent-prototype or
a missing @class annotation for prototypes without parent.
It is also possible your Fusion file is not read because
of a missing include: statement.

I attached the full error from The Exeptions-folder
error.pdf (19.5 KB)

Can you please help me :slight_smile:


If your create another site package with the installer the Demo package gets disabled and not loaded anymore. But your already imported its content that’s now missing its configuration.
I assume that’s what happened and causes the error.
What do you want to do?
I recommend removing the demo when you start your own site package and pruning the imported content and importing the content from your new package instead.

Hey Sebastian,

thanx for your reply!
I wanted to start a new projekt and assumed that it would be a nice way to start, if I use the demo. as soon as I removed the demo-package in the composer.json and ran “composer update” I got a load of errors in the backend.

For now I switched to installing all new with the skeleton-package… and this works for me perfectly. so we can close this case, if nobody else has the same problem!


gleich vorweg, ich bin ganz neu bei Neos und versuche seit einiger Zeit eine Installation ohne Demo Daten hinzubekommen… :-/

Ich habe mich an die Installationsanleitung gehalten und Neos mit MAMP und composer create-project neos/neos-base-distribution installiert. Wenn ich im Setup dann allerdings Create a new Site Package with a “dummy” Site verwende, gibt’s einen 500 Internal Server Error(?). Was mache ich falsch? Oder was fehlt?

Mit Demo Daten würde es funktionieren, aber ich würde gerne blank starten…

Ich habe es auch schon mit der neos-skeleton Anleitung versucht, aber das ging auch nicht…

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar! Danke!

Hi @kreativoli

Please keep the thread in english :slight_smile:

(i do think this is a complete seperate issue than the one on the top)

It would definitely work if you would use the flow cli in your root dir of neos instead of the web form:

to create the files:
./flow kickstart:site MyVendor.Site siteName

to import the site (Private/Content/Sites.xml) into the database:
./flow site:import --package-key MyVendor.Site

btw here is a german section: Germany - Discuss Neos – the official forum of the Neos project

Yeah, sorry for that!

Hi Marc,

thanks for your answer. I have tried the way you told me and it successfully finished. But, although I have kickstarted from my own package, there is still the neos.demo package “underneath” from which my package does now inherit(?). Is this the recommended way to start? How can I get rid of things I don’t like/need from the demo package? I guess modifying the demo package is not a good idea. Removing the demo package completely (via composer) ends in a 500 error…

when you did composer create-project neos/neos-base-distribution you installed the demo site package with it. (you just choose to not create a site instance out of it - the files are still present, in fact you could create a demo site instance via ./flow site:import Neos.Demo demoSite (then you would have 2 sites))

to avoid that in the first place, you need to git clone the neos base distribution and go to the composer.json and delete here the requirement Neos.Demo. Then do ‘composer install’.

to remove the demo package later, composer remove neos/demo should do - (idk about the error… maybe a .flow flow:cache:flush --force helps? if not could you please give more detail about the error?)

with ‘overlaying’ you probaly mean that the node creation dialogue shows the nodes too from the demo package? Thats normal - node declarations (as all settings) are global.

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