Hi everyone,
I discussed the idea of a second version of the Neos Dev Camp 2018 in then Nuremberg castle, combined with a code sprint at the same location. The main advantage of this location is, that you can stay in the same building as you work.
I already checked the location and we have the possibility to have a room for the code sprint and enough sleeping rooms in the week:
2nd to 6th July 2018
Additionally we would have the great hall on Thursday, 5th July 2018 for the Neos Dev Camp.
Costs for the location are:
- 2.500 EUR for Code Sprint room and great hall on Thursday
- 75 EUR per night including breakfast for a single room
- 95 EUR per night including breakfast for a double room
What do you think? Should we go for that concept? Code sprint combined with the bar camp style event as in 2016?
Thank you for your feedback.
Greets Andi