@position in Fusion

Hey guys,

I have CSS and JS files in my plugin.

How can I position the Standard Page JavaScripts (bodyScripts - javascripts.site) after the JavaScripts from my plugin.

I have tried it with the following:

javascripts.site = Neos.Fusion:Template {
    @position = 'end 99'


and my custom thing:

fundamentalFooterJs = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
    @position = 'end 98'
    tagName = 'script'
    attributes {
        type = 'text/javascript'
        src = Neos.Fusion:ResourceUri {
            path = 'resource://Fundamental.Site/Public/JavaScript/app.js'

… but the Pages JavaScript always placed above my Plugins JavaScript.

Can someone help me? Thx!

javascripts.myPlugin = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
    @position = 'before site'
    tagName = 'script'
    attributes {
        type = 'text/javascript'
        src = Neos.Fusion:ResourceUri {
            path = 'resource://Fundamental.Site/Public/JavaScript/app.js'

This should work, try to avoid numerical position (before 43, after 12, …) it can be hard to maintain.

And if you need a bit more compact syntax and bit more feature (like HTTP cache busting):

So with the script package (http cache busting is enabled by default):

javascripts.myPlugin = Ttree.Script:Resource {
    @position = 'before site'
    uri = 'resource://Fundamental.Site/Public/JavaScript/app.js'

Hi Dominique!

Thank you for answer! For my own Neos Fusion Tags it works, but not for the Sites “Standard” like

javascripts.site = Neos.Fusion:Template

The @position is independant from the fusion prototype, basically the javascripts path (in head and body) use a Neos.Fusion:Array and this one support the @position, maybe you can post a more complete code sample ?

Okay, thank you.

This is my Site Page.html

<f:section name="body">
{content.main -> f:format.raw()}
<f:section name="bodyScripts">
<script src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'JavaScript/main.js', package: 'Neos3Dev.Site')}"></script>

And this is my custom JS:

fundamentalFooterJs = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
    @position = 'after body'
    tagName = 'script'
    attributes {
        type = 'text/javascript'
        src = Neos.Fusion:ResourceUri {
            path = 'resource://Fundamental.Site/Public/JavaScript/app.js'

But the <f:section name="bodyScripts"> is placed before the fundamentalFooterJs.

It’s an invalid HTML to have a script tag after the closing body :wink: should be in the body tag

body.javascripts.myPlugin = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
    @position = 'end'
    tagName = 'script'
    attributes {
        type = 'text/javascript'
        src = Neos.Fusion:ResourceUri {
            path = 'resource://Fundamental.Site/Public/JavaScript/app.js'

But the “section body” is not the bodytag. My “real” bodytag wraps section body and bodyscripts so it’s valid enough. :slight_smile: Sorry, I have not copied the whole syntax.

I would like to place my own JS behind the section body. And the “Default” JS from the SitePackage after the bodyScripts Section.