Problem with Quickstart-Guide

I followed this Quickstart-Guide but i cannot open the index.php File for displaying Welcome Screen. It shows the following problem:

I tried this guide on windows machine for several hours but it didn’t work. for the server i use XAMPP. i also have the folder-structure:

i renamed the default script (index.php) in index1.php for testing.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

thanks a lot!


did you adjust the vhost to point to the “Web” folder?

Here is also a xampp specific guide for Neos (but works more or less the same for just Flow) XAMPP Setup (Windows) - Manual setup - Installation & Setup - Guide - Neos Docs

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Hey, thanks for your help. I will try it later

also to speed up development its highly recommended to use wsl or docker + wsl … but wsl all the way :slight_smile: