Problem with saving nodes

When trying to save a node I am getting following errors:

Could not create node named "columnright" in "/sites/site/node-55c48abb1b2d4/node-55f6936d83dac/main/node-562f744d6a3c2" (Warning: SQLite3::query(): Unable to prepare statement: 1, no such column: __identifier in /var/www/..../Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/Flowpack_SimpleSearch_Domain_Service_SqLiteIndex.php line 192)
Created 0 new child nodes
36 Errors occurred during child node creation
Checking for child nodes that needs reordering ...
Checking for missing default values ...
Warning: SQLite3::query(): Unable to prepare statement: 1, no such column: __identifier in /var/www/..../Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/Flowpack_SimpleSearch_Domain_Service_SqLiteIndex.php line 192

  Type: TYPO3\Flow\Error\Exception
  Code: 1
  File: Packages/Framework/TYPO3.Flow/Classes/TYPO3/Flow/Error/ErrorHandler.php
  Line: 77

Open Data/Logs/Exceptions/20180528114112d88815.txt for a full stack trace.

I already tried to run
./flow flow:cache:flush
./flow doctrine:update
./flow node:repair

but it didn’t help. Anyone has idea what is the problem?

it seems related to your usage of SimpleSearch and the SQLite database - did you check the configuration of that package and made sure that it’s all installed?

Hi Soren,
thank you for your answer. SQLite database is installed.

SQLite3 module version 0.7-dev
SQLite Library 3.8.2

About SimpleSearch and it’s configuration - can you point me what should I look into exactly?

Try with something like
./flow nodeindex:build
That is a command from the Flowpack.SimpleSearch.ContentRepositoryAdaptor package that could help you.

That works, thx Soren!

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