Protocol: General Team Meeting | 2015-07-06

Attending: Andreas Förthner, Aske Ertmann, Berit Hlubek, Christian Müller, Dmitri Pisarev, Robert Lemke, Markus Goldbeck, Sebastian Kurfürst

Newsletter (bulletin)

  • create a separate Mailchimp list for the bulletin and (at least in mid-term) create new issues with Neos and then automatically create the newsletter version out of it. We agreed that there should also be an online version of the bulletin, not only email
  • RSS support

Current state / next steps of fundraising efforts

  • two requests for funding have already been handled
  • RFF can already be handled manually at the moment
  • platform will be ready for launch during the next 1-3 weeks

Next steps for Neos branding

  • ZWEI14 ( offered to help us with getting started with the Neos brand
  • they are currently preparing a catalogue with questions for the Neos team (+ long term community members) in order to distill the identity for the Neos brand
  • the catalog will be published at some point (supposedly via Discourse)
  • they also offer to produce the visual design
  • we might launch the new design with only a typeface, a logo can follow later

Next steps for new site

  • Florian and Berit are talking about / finalizing the mockups for the new site
  • based on these mockups, a design needs to be produced
  • ZWEI14 will also design the new site, coordinated by Berit

Team member state

  • determine which team members are still active, which new possible team members exist

Contribution planning

  • the last month was pretty bad in terms of sharing the work load for reviews etc
  • there is a lot of work ahead

Discussing organizational matters

  • TODO: agree on, and communicate leadership concept for Neos

Planning the next steps

2.0 release

  • Finalize code wise: Sebastian, Christian, Aske, Markus
  • Communication: Berit & Robert (Coordination)
  • Release Notes: Robert, Sebastian – Tobias will polish
  • Stage Visual: Pascal

2.1 release phase

  • Think about release manager
  • Plan meeting in two weeks (week 34)

Github move

  • In progress – Berit, Aske & Florian

Next code sprint

  • 21.-25. September: !!! Major exhibition at the same time; hard time regarding hotels!!!

  • maybe keep the date, but rather bring sleeping bags etc with us? and ensure we can have a shower etc…

  • alternative: find new dates

  • !!! start Discuss topic about it

  • tentative dates for the code sprint in Dresden @ sandstorm would be 7th-11th March 2016 - we’ll confirm once we moved to the new office (in September)


suggestion: for the next meeting let’s just have one thread (e.g. “General Team Meeting - 2015-07-06”) which is used for the agenda and then in the end has the minutes of the meeting, too.

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Regarding the questions from ZWEI14 just one small clarification:
The questions or the answer to those might be a start for the branding process but they also see it as their chance to understand how the Neos team thinks, works and what the product is like.
For them that would be an important step to get inside an understanding of with what and for whom they are working.

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