RFC: Node Context and domains

Full ack here. I think default behavior should be to use the speaking url if possible. This will make the change a lit less ‘shocky’ :stuck_out_tongue: Would a setting to completely ignore the speaking url for the backend make sense? I think I’d like that as I’d prefer consistency in my installs…

I definitely prefer the primary flag over ordering. Or if we do use the ordering I think the design / context should be really clear about what would be the primary one. But as one could sort a pattern as the first one this could become really confusing.

In short we’re going to put our content outside of a site node, and will just use site nodes to create websites that are displaying that content based on filters. So everything that removes the default site requirement is making me happy :wink:

What I’m not sure about yet is how to solve the dimension issue / specific site configuration. To me it is site configuration which dimensions will be used (so that should be configurable on a site level). But I doubt if I think the same about the dimension fallbacks… If they’re not global it might become overly complex while I’m not even sure yet if it has a usecase.