TEAM Unicorn - Kickoff Team Meeting, 2015-10-19
Participants: Berit, Christopher, Dominique, Christian, Sebastian, Alexander
Missing: nobody
Team Name
As decided already in Slack: Team Unicorn
Get to know each other
- around since 2010
- all kinds of tasks, be around for the community
- around since 2013
- first Flow, now Neos as well
- help out wherever I can
- around since 2008
- did many prototypings, conference talks, implementing FE rendering, JavaScript UI
- currently involved with our newborn son
- also involved with newborn son
- Neos team involvement started with backend CSS / HTML; now Communication, Website, …
- currently: relaunch of website is area I am working on
- around 2012, work with Extbase, then Flow / Fluid
- working on Flow projects as well at work
- having a small kid (2 years old )
- around since the beginning
- Creator of Fluid and involved in frontend rendering (TypoScript) and JS (Ember)
- looking forward to the future
Prioritizer: Berit, Sebastian
Synchronizer: Christian
Prioritizer: Berit
Synchronizer: Christian
Specific next steps
- idea: have a “work-in-progress-limit” for our team, so we do not get distracted too much but rather focus on specific tasks
We already want to start working on $somethings while the team setup is still taking place. The following things are our todo list:
- create solid RFC for inter-domain linking - RFC: Node Context and domains
- fallback to no-dimension - RFC: Node Context and domains
- merge Christian’s Pull Requests
Longer-Term Ideas where we’d like to help:
- JS Refactoring (longer-term)
Next meeting(s)
Next week, there’ll be a doodle for finding the date.