So, here are some roles that the documentation for Neos needs to cover:
- Editor
- Integrator
- System Administrator
- Designer
- Plugin Developer
- Executives and Decision Makers (for more marketing-like higher-level explanations of what employees/contractors can accomplish in Neos/Flow)
- Project Contributors and Team Members
- Code Contributors
- Docs Contributors
- UI Contributors
- ??? Contributors
- Team Members
However, in thinking about the Integrator role, we’re having a hard time detangling Integrators and System Admins as well as Integrators and Designers.
For example, how much should the integrator documentation go into the Neos setup process including the setting up the database, the php environment, and whatnot? We could have a System Administrators guide that talked about several methods including Configuration Management (Chef/Ansible/etc), Docker, VM, Shared Hosting, etc. Some environments need the DB to be created before Neos can run its setup, while others will allow Neos to actually create the database. But, if we put all of that in a system’s administrator’s guide, do we need to include it in an Integrator’s guide? What’s the difference between Integrators and System Admins?
Then, there are a variety of methods for building templates for different sites. Templating is very much an integrator topic, until its not. When does it become a topic for designers? Would a templating tutorial that follows Atomic Design go in the Integrator Guide or a Designer Guide? What about when using something like Zurb Foundation? Or converting an HTML template (purchased somewhere random or provided by a designer) into a Fluid Template? Or what about when some sad soul is only given a PSD, and they need to create the appropriate Fluid templates from that? What goes in a guide for Deisgners, and what goes in a guide for Integrators?
Am I missing some important roles?