Hey everybody,
I just had the chance in a workshop to properly test / work with Neos on Windows 10. If you know a few quirks, it is actually quite usable - that’s why I am documenting it here. Thanks @aberl for your great tips!
- I am administrator
- we have windows 10
- we installed XAMPP to c:/xampp
- we installed Git for Windows
- we installed composer (using https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-windows the setup process)
Then, “php.exe” is on your path.
Neos Setup
download Neos using composer just as usual into a folder of your choice (it was c:\xampp\htdocs for me, but the folder does not matter I guess)
adjust Settings.yaml and add
remove Data/Temporary
inside an “administrator CMD.exe”, run
flow flow:core:compile
inside an “administrator CMD.exe”, run
flow flow:cache:warmup
(otherwise a symlink error occurs) -
inside an “administrator CMD.exe”
flow server:run
go to setup as usual.
- If you get a doctrine error in setup step 3 or 4, remove Data/Temporary and start again with “flow flow:core:compile” from above
- If you get a symlink error, it was because you did not run as administrator
- You do not need to adjust flow.bat file
- If you install new packages, as Administrator, you need to remove Data/Temporary and again run the commands from above.
End Result
Neos is actually working quite nice and fast (comparable to my mac performance), also Cache Flushing etc works nicely. So it works quite well I think
All the best,