SelectBoxEditor does not get set with chosen datasource data

Hi all,
on Neos 3.3 I’m encountering a very similar problem to SelectBoxEditor wit Data Source

Basically whatever I choose in my SelectBoxEditor populated by a data source does get emptied out when I click on the Apply button, I can see/choose the options but the select box is not set to the saved value.

After some checks I can confirm that the chosen value gets correctly stored but the backend property selector remains empty (not selected).

I also checked against the docs (, as suggested in the other thread, that the structure of the data-source returned data is compatible.

This is what I receive from /neos/service/data-source/my-data-source:

[{"value":123,"label":"title number 1"},{"value":456,"label":"title number 2"}]

Any ideas on how to solve this issue? What am I missing here?


Are you on the new UI (React) ?

HI @dfeyer,
yes I am. (sorry I forgot to mention it).


Can you check the open issue on github Issues · neos/neos-ui · GitHub ? And create an issue if needed ? Then post the link to the issue here.

Here you are:
I did scan open issues and did not find anything suitable, hope I did not miss it.


Hi all,
I just discovered that the SelectorBoxEditor needs strings ad keys I found it out by chance cause I faced the same issue on the old UI during some tests.
Simply casting to strings array keys passed to the data source fixed the issue on both UIs.

I already commented github issue accordingly.

Hope it helps,

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