SETUP STEP 2 ERROR: Keeps connecting to DB forever

I am trying to install Neos for hours now but can’t figure out what is causing the problem.
At Step 2 when I enter the DB Credentials no DB to choose is shown. It just keeps connecting and connecting forever. It doesn’t show any error but logfile says something else:

Exception in line 133 of C:\server\apache\htdocs\neos\Packages\Libraries\doctrine\dbal\lib\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException.php: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)

It looks like it’s trying to connect with no username and no pw, but I do enter username and pw in the form fields during setup.
MySQL works fine I tried some php connections.

did you tried to create a new database?

You probably read this already:

Hello yes I created new DB’s and tried a lot of stuff for hours. I found a solution now.
I did the following:
I started the setup (neos.demo/setup) without having the Directory permissions set like (AllowOveride etc…) in apache httpd.conf
Then the setup had backgroundcolors etc missing. Only the forms where there and no black background and colorful buttons. But at least I could manually type in the DB name there because it was not trying to connect like it does when setup is in normal state. Then the setup went successful but the template stayed like that without colors etc. but at least i had the DB tables now and also settings.yaml had db configured. I restarted Setup with directory permissions set in apache httpd.conf so setup was in normal state again. But since settings.yaml was already configured I could just press next at the DB configure Step 2 and could “skip” the eternal loading bar which tries to connect to db. and now everything is normal and neos is installed.