I get the error message: Fatal error: Class ‘TYPO3\Flow\Package\Package’ not found in […]/Packages/Plugins/M12.SlickCarousel/Classes/M12/SlickCarousel/Package.php on line 19
Three beginner questions before I start. How can I change the content of this third party plugin without overwrite my changes if I make an update with composer update afterwards? And what exactly do you mean with rescan?
Do I also have to replace TYPO3.TypoScript: and TYPO3\Flow\Package and useTYPO3`` in the files Slick.ts2, Package.php, Slick.html and WrapRemoveImplementation.php?
Unfortunately just search&replace of TYPO3 in the code didn’t work. Now I get error messages because classes are missing:
Required class “M12\Utils\TypoScript\WrapRemoverImplementation” could not be loaded properly for reflection.
Required class “Neos\TypoScript\TypoScriptObjects\AbstractTypoScriptObject” could not be loaded properly for reflection.