[SOLVED] childNode not shown in structure tree

Hello everybody,

I have a page that has three childNodes, but only two are shown in the structure tree although all nodes are created / in the database.

The NodeType definitions are as followed:

    'Site.Package:Mixin.Page': true
    label: i18n
    icon: icon-home
    position: 1
      type: 'Site.Package:Atom.Teaserimage'
      position: 'start'

  abstract: true
    'Other.Package:AbstractPage': true
      type: 'Other.Package:Atom.PlainTitle'
      position: 'before main'

  abstract: true
    'Neos.Neos:Document': true
      type: 'Neos.Neos:ContentCollection'

Each node type definition is in a separate file, but only the childnodes main and title are shown (i left some parts away which i think are not required here).

I’ve already run the following flow commands:

  • flow node:repair
  • flow flow:cache:flush --force

If anybody has an idea, what could cause this problem/error, please give me some advise.

Further information: If i change the node type to something different (e.g. Other.Package:Atom.PlainTitle) the node will be shown in the structure tree.

Sorry, i forgot to add superType Neos.Neos:Content to the image child and no error was thrown…

Would you have expected Neos to give you a hint of some sort?
The problem is we can’t really know whether you’Re intentionally not inheriting from Content/Document or not :wink:

At least in development context i would expect Neos to give me some hint if/why a node/child is not shown in the structure tree. Otherwise the node makes no sense IMO as one cannot edit any property of that node.

In the “Create child node” dialog the node can be left away, because it will be hard to say if the developer wants to inherit from Content or not.

So i would expect a hint for direct childnodes in the structure tree but not for missing NodeTypes in the creation dialog.