[SOLVED] Neos.Form:Email: translate subject of email


I can’t get the translation of the subject of the email finisher working. In my contact-form.yaml I wrote this:


    identifier: 'Vendor.Site:CustomRedirect'
      uri: 'kontakt/vielen-dank.html'
    identifier: 'Neos.Form:Email'
      templatePathAndFilename: resource://Vendor.Site/Private/Templates/Email/Contact.txt
      subject: 'Anfrage über Kontaktformular'
      recipientAddress: info@xyz.de
      recipientName: 'xyz'
      senderAddress: noreply@xyz.de
      senderName: xyz
      replyToAddress: info@xyz.de
      format: plaintext
    identifier: 'Neos.Form:Email'
      templatePathAndFilename: resource://Vendor.Site/Private/Templates/Email/Copy.txt
      subject: 'Your request'
      recipientAddress: '{Email}'
      recipientName: '{Forename} {Lastname}'
      senderAddress: noreply@xyz.de
      senderName: xyz
      replyToAddress: info@xyz.de
      format: plaintext
      translation.enabled: true
      translation.package: 'Vendor.Site'
      translation.locale: 'en'
      translation.source: 'Main'

In my /Resources/Private/Translations/en/Main.xlf I wrote:


<trans-unit id="forms.emailFinisher.2.subject" xml:space="preserve">
  <source>Your request</source>

And in my /Resources/Private/Translations/de/Main.xlf I wrote:


<trans-unit id="forms.emailFinisher.2.subject" xml:space="preserve" approved="yes">
	<source>Your request</source>
	<target xml:lang="de">Ihre Anfrage</target>

Here I read that in forms.emailFinisher.{identifier}.subject the {identifier} is the position of the finisher in the finisher-set, so this should be 2 in my case (it’s the last finisher in my finisher set and there are two finishers before as you can see above).

What I’m doing wrong?

As far as i know the Neos.Form:Email finisher can not translate the subject given by yaml configuration. You could write your own email finisher which get the subject from xlf.

I worte a custom finisher already, thank you. Ok, it seems, that it’s not possible for now with the standard Neos.Form:Email finisher…