I just closed the poll, assuming there won’t be any more votes. Most were pro more budget, but still we have no answer to “where do we take it from.”
I am not sure what options we have, maybe @tobias can shed light on this?
I just closed the poll, assuming there won’t be any more votes. Most were pro more budget, but still we have no answer to “where do we take it from.”
I am not sure what options we have, maybe @tobias can shed light on this?
Hey everybody,
I guess I should say something about it, as I handed in the most-pro-voted budget A.K.A Event Sourced CR Sorry for not getting back to this earlier; I was on holidays last week and this week was quite full.
Overall: IMHO 10k€ is fine for the ES CR for this year - so you can take the rest.
However, I am not fully satisfied the way we decided on the budgets this year; simply because it seems very very relevant information related to the budget was “revealed” after the poll was completed; namely, that more release budget would be in order; and that we have some legal topics costing money as well.
So, we can take the money from the ES CR budget, but please let’s do some “lessons-learned” and “we-improve-next-year…” discussion.
All the best,
Yep we should prepare a list of known budget items for next year as soon as possible to plan with, eg. the release budget(s).
@tobias when you’ve got an overview of the remaining budget, please let me know how much of the expenses for the trademark handling should be invoiced until end of this year.