SSL, HTTPS configuration

How to configure NEOS to work as SSL website? I can not find and documentation about that - I am using quite old NEOS core - 2.x.

Hi, you have to configure your Webserver (Apache or Nginx) to do this and not Neos in most cases.

It is strange but after configuring https on apache - all the links to internal resources (css/js/images) are rendered by NEOS as https://domain:80/… - this breaks whole website as all images and resources can not be loaded.

Did you change the protocol in the Site Administration module of Neos CMS after you setup Apache to SSL?

Where should I do that? I don’t see such an option after logging into NEOS admin panel. I tried to find documentation about that but did not suceed. I am using old NEOS version - 2.x - so maybe it was not present at that version of NEOS?

I ran in the very same situation with just the Flow-Framework in a standalone Application and a local DDEV setup.
This settings in the Development/Settings.yaml solved it.

        proxies: "*"
          clientIp: 'X-Forwarded-For'
          host: 'X-Forwarded-Host'
          port: 'X-Forwarded-Port'
          proto: 'X-Forwarded-Proto'