Marc Henry
- Made me happy:
- Karlsruhe sprint and getting to know Seb & Family
- Got Tickets for HH Taylor Swift ^^
- Karlsruhe sprint and getting to know Seb & Family
- Impediments:
- Had little accident
- Plans:
- Neos Setup
- get lots Flow PRs merged
- DDeV Neos Setup
- Get synced about CR stuff
- Neos 9 Templates
- Neos Templates v 2.1
- Neos Setup
Christian M
Made me happy:
- reading books
- home alone (flownative), too much to do
- build house
- Made me happy:
- Vacation was good
- RouteCache get flushed now in Neos 9.0
- Impediments:
- Behat tests and pipeline
- Plans:
- Site specific uri path suffix
- Maybe setting up Neos 9 with Postgres
- Made me happy:
- Impediments:
- Performance issue if, you have more than ~500 media tags
- need to finish my current neos project
- Plans:
- find a solution for the Media-Browser
- completing doctrine
- open issue for document thumbnails
- Made me happy:
- started vacation
- Impediments:
- to much to do @work (different topics)
- Plans:
- Help Seb with migration
- Update content
Seb Hahahaha
- Made me happy:
- Marketing sprint
- Friends came over for a few days
- Impediments:
- Sick
- Not everything done of the marketing sprint tasks
- Problems with old CR losing content
- Plans:
- Get all changes from Marketing sprint working on
- Fix CR problem in the core
- Get healthy
- Regain some energy