Team Meeting
2023-08-15 - 16
Seb H.
- Made me happy:
- Impediments:
- Sick - cannot move much since 3 weeks and probably 3 weeks more
- Family sick
- Canceled vacation trip to Italy
- Marketing Sprint tasks still not finished or properly live
- Plans:
- Finally move t3n.debug to Flowpack with Johannes to make maintenance easier
- Still working on core bug that makes childnodes get lost when moving contentcollections
- Made me happy:
- Impediments:
- Plans:
- unchanged
- Made me happy:
- NeosCon 24 organisation
- Impediments:
- Plans:
- ElasticSearch support for Neos 9 (with Sebastian K)
- Made me happy:
- No Neos Con Orga
- Got Neos Con 24 Ticket already
- No Neos Con Orga
- Impediments:
- Plans:
- Neos Re-Branding orga
- Neos Community Management orga
Marc Henry
- Made me happy:
- Cool Weekend (Taylor Swift and Harry Styles party in Hamburg :P)
- Neos Brand Survey
- New desk setup ^^
- Impediments:
* - Plans:
- NeosCon Tickets ^^
- Make a list of my neos todos
- ddev + neos
- neos social media
- neos setup
- neos 9 e2e tests
- edit preview modes
- fusion runtime with default variables
- edit preview modes
- neos ui patch release
- Made me happy:
- Urlaub ohne Rechner → 1,5k Seiten Buch gelesen
- NeosCon 2023 Tickets
- Urlaub ohne Rechner → 1,5k Seiten Buch gelesen
- Impediments:
- Holidays, Sickness, Start of school for the youngest
- Plans:
- yes
- Workspace module for Neos9
- Made me happy:
* - Impediments:
- mautic ist ziemlich frickelig (Newsletter)
- Plans:
- mir mal mautic näher anschauen um perspektivisch von Mailchimp weg zukommen
- mit Anke am Freitag quatschen zum Thema “Community Manager”
- Instagram Neos pushen (zusammen mit Maya)