(Karsten Dambekalns)
- happy: feels relaxed after foicusing on stress-reduction instead of coding
- still lots of work, but more energy for that now
- Dmitri had a first meeting with other Neos developer(s) in Moscow.
- happy about result of marketing sprint, even though it was hard to explain how our community works to CEOs
- nothing frustrating really
- shared current badges status
- happy about having worked on at least some release-related stuff
- would love to be able to do even more, but customers.
- writing about the interactions of Flow, Composer, Git, Deployment currently, will translate to english and publish when done
- frustrated because Tyll left the team, has no time himself for Neos currently
- nothing to show, no plans right now
- a little bit frustrated because other work blocked release work
- overall happy a about progress of all sorts
- looking forward DDD Europe next week
- happy and excited about everything that#s happening right now
- talked about Flow / Neos at a local school
- looking forward DDD Europe next week