Daniel, Karsten, Maya, Robert
Bernhard, Dmitri
Gina since 2018-08-09 (until end of february 2019)
Wilhelm since 2017-12-25 (for coming 12 months)
All team members
Bernhard, Daniel, Dmitri, Gina, Karsten, Maya, Robert, Wilhelm
The draft for the protocol can be found here
@all: This week’s kitchen duty: GitHub PRs
- happy: made good progress on smart cropping for assets in Neos
- frustrated:
- plans: wrap up smart cropping development to hand over UI development; continue trademark stuff ™️
- show: smart cropping for assets in Neos
- happy: finished asset source for NextCloud; another Neos project with around 500.000 nodes…
- frustrated: another Neos project with around 500.000 nodes…
- plans: %
- show:
- happy: long weekend, renovated apartment, no laptop open for five days; sold a Neos Conference ticket
- fascinated: how much stuff can be accumulated in a tiny apartment
- plans: %
- show: %
- happy: metal will be removed from pinky this week.
- frustrated: acquired a cold
- plans: further work on release tooling
- show:
Dmitri (async, due to conflicting meeting)
- What I’ve been doing: preparing for the sprint with Yuri, he’s currently coding a prototype for (Draft) RFC: Develop Github Bot that would help reviewing PRs). Also trying to be around, reply to all UI PRs and issues etc.
- Plans: fix a few bugs that I recently spotted and then… SPRINT!!!
- Happy/frustrated at the same time: a lot of stuff going on with work and family stuff
Gina (async)
- happy: moved my apartment!!!
- frustrated: still wrong weekly time to attend
, no wifi yet in my apartment
- plans: get the pile done which piled up during moving…
- show: nothing