TEAM TIGA - Team Meeting, 2016-01-19
Participants: Andi, Bastian, Markus, Sebastian, Tobias
Missing: Aske
- currently less active due to job change
- Planning Meet Neos Nürnberg (14th April). Official announcement planned for next week
- Involve my colleagues (Sascha and Stephan): Discussion and prototype for general REST-Service API -> We’ll have a project here at netlogix, where we need great REST support in Flow and aim for a general implementation/architecture, which can go into Flow/Neos
- netlogix will implement “parameterized roles” in a project running in February: Project proposal: Introduce parameterized roles
- Talked to Aske about website relaunch and created “content inventory”
-> continues with that - Sprint before Inspiring Con in Rosenheim in discussion with TechDivision
- Todo aus Retro: Discuss Post about option for Neos legal entity
- todo team: fill doodles for Sprint in Dresden and next all-teams Retro
- Reviewed “automatic redirects” feature migrated by Dominique (NEOS-721)
- A lot of reading & prototyping to get a better understanding of decoupled services
- todo: push GH kitchen duty pull requests to other team members
- -> Evaluate/discuss plans for Flow microsite
- in Cambodia for next 3 months - full work
- back in Germany for Inspiring Con