Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2016-07-19

Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2016-07-19

Participants: Bastian, Johannes, Tobias
Missing: Andi, Aske, Markus, Sebastian


  • Made me happy:
  • Continued working on “Legal entity”, need feedback from lawyer
  • prepared retro with Gina and Christian
  • first Neos Meetup in Dresden
  • Impediments:
  • Share:
  • Plans:
  • continue working on “legal entity” topic & DevCamp promotion
  • push website topics (projects and guilds listing, showcases)


  • Made me happy:
  • Lots of Flow/Neos related jobs / requests
  • Lots of interesting discussions about Flow/Neos related topics
  • Impediments:
  • Little ill, can’t join Neos Rhein/Main Meetup tomorrow :-/
  • Share:
  • later today:
  • Plans:
  • Merge JobQueue package forks back upstream!


  • Made me happy:
  • Last weekends Challenge Roth was awesome :wink:
  • Impediments:
  • time, but should be fixed next week :wink:
  • Share:
  • small side project will be live soon
  • Plans:
  • Review open PR

@all: This week’s kitchen duty: Jira (Johannes)