Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2016-08-09

Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2016-08-09

Participants: Bastian, Markus, Tobias
Missing: Andi, Aske, Sebastian, Johannes



  • Made me happy:
  • activity in the “Neos DevCamp” topic (~20 participants)
  • lot’s of events planned for the rest of the year
  • Impediments:
  • on-boarding of new employees takes time
  • Share:
  • Plans:
  • Meeting with Robert & Gina re “Legal entity” next week
  • send newsletter with DevCamp, Meet Neos dates and LTS heads up infos


  • Made me happy:
  • looking forward to sprint and DevCamp
  • date and location for Meet Neos Munich should be fixed
  • Impediments:
  • ill family :frowning:
  • Share:
  • rubberducking CR
  • Plans:
  • reviews
  • still test and extend react tree

@all: This week’s kitchen duty: Jira (Bastian)