Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2017-12-06
Participants: Bastian, Max, Jon
Missing: Aske, Johannes, Markus, Sebastian
Inactive: Andi, Lea, Tobi
- Made me happy:
- Feeback/Reviews from Alex & Bernhard
- Merged some old PRs (#1727, …)
- Impediments
- Share:
- Almost final PR for more extensible routing
- Plans:
- Push updates to Asset upload PR #1728
Made me happy:
- selectbox editor got merged
- Impediments
- documentation of my practice exam
- Share:
- Plans:
- fix keyboard handling of select box
Made me happy:
- My daughter
- My work (atomic fusion additions) from the sprint got merged
- My daughter
- Impediments
- Try to catch if a condition is runned => no chance in fusion
- Share:
- Plans:
- Update some frontend stuff on, because there are several issues, specially on mobile