Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2018-02-28

Team Tiga - Team Meeting, 2018-02-28

Participants: Jon, Max, Markus, Sebastian, Bastian
Missing: Aske
Inactive: Andi, Lea, Johannes


  • Made me happy:
    • Start working on the con-talk
    • Going to be at a very nice conference: concat() 2018
  • Impediments
    • Still have to work with shopware


  • Made me happy:
    • Dresden Sprint
    • Demo Page can render in event sourced branch
  • Impediments
  • Plans:
    • Remove legacy UI



  • Made me happy:
    • Happy Neos customers
    • People at sprint have great progress
  • Impediments
    • I’m frozen, hate the cold weather
  • Plans:
    • Put some days of work into Neos YoastSEO extension
    • Prepare con slides at some point
    • Join Surf discussions about future development


  • Made me happy:
    • Progress from the Neos Sprint
    • Extensively using Neos for a customers project
  • Impediments
    • Could not join the Sprint in person, try to collaborate remotely
  • Plans:
    • Work on foundation for ES CR (i.e. Neos.EventSourcing package)
    • Roadmap planning tomorrow 11am (see #guild-eventsourcing Slack channel)

@all: This week’s kitchen duty: Issues (Markus, Jon)


  • Made me happy:
    • Finished improved history module (currently separate package)
  • Impediments
  • Share:
    • Could use some reviews for some small improvements to the generic history module
  • Plans:
    • Release improved history module and add support for Neos 3.x