Team Tiga | Team Meeting | 2021-02-17

Participants: Sebastian, Markus, Tobias, David, Jon
Missing: Bastian, Søren
All members: Bastian, Jon, Sebastian, Tobias, Markus, Søren, David
Inactive: Søren

Seb H.:

  • Made me happy:
    • Build a nice POC for FormBuilder multi page forms with mixed manual and automatic generated pages. Customer happy.
    • Doing some technical SEO stuff
    • Got an issue of an actual Media UI user :smiley:
    • Really interesting challenges in customer projects lately
    • Using CSS Variables with React and styled-components
  • Impediments
    • Forms packages are still a challenge
  • Plans
    • Release a new Media UI alpha
    • Release Neos Terminal 1.0


  • Made me happy:
    • Had lot of fun with the kids in the snow
    • Start with a nice app project based on GraphQL and Gatsby
    • Will do a bit more neos related work as well in march :slight_smile:
    • Will migrate the website of the local green party from WordPress to neos
  • Impediments
    • Did not work that much in the last week
    • On some days we have a bit the corona blues
  • Plans
    • Still start with the emberjs removal


  • Made me happy:
    • Got a lot of time for myself
    • Got a PR for a nasty bug
    • Read some books
  • Impediments
    • Still bad nights
  • Plans
    • Get well


  • Made me happy:
    • new Neos project started
    • new 3D printer in the office
  • Impediments
    • team capacity for Neos projects
  • Plans
    • Neos Foundation CIC shutdown
    • financials transition to association


  • Made me happy:

    • nothing crossed my mind in the last 10 minutes
  • Impediments * work work work

  • Plans

    • Award

@all: New Events we plan to attend and spread the word about Neos?

@all: This week’s kitchen duty: INBOX (Markus)