Team Tiga | Team Meeting | 2022-05-11
Participants: Sebastian, Bastian, Marc Henry, Markus, Simon, Søren, Jon, Tobias
Missing: Marika, David
All members: Marika, Bastian, Jon, Sebastian, Tobias, Markus, Søren, David, Marc Henry
Sebastian H.:
Made me happy:
- Happy feelings about NeosCon
- Great Neos sprint progress
- Neos UI environment upgrade efforts
- Beautiful weather
- Will order an electric car (but will take a year or so to deliver)
- Great feedback for my workspace module plugin
- Possibly more sponsorship for the workspace module to add additional features
- Family was sick over the weekend, wife still a bit sick
- Been to a wedding with the family and Corona was there too, hope we don’t get it
- Check on how to merge Neos UI environment upgrade soonish
Made me happy:
- Weather is nice and is fun to work in the garden
- still overwhelmed by the impressions of the Neos conference and even if I did not attend that much from the sprint
- Happy that Wilhelm and Robert also attended the Sprint and want to work again on the neos-ui
- Cool that the nasty Neos-UI issue with the Matomo and Analytics package is finally resolved
- Welcome Simon
- Lot of to-dos
- Have pain in the neck and shoulder since weeks
- Checkout the new tasks in the neos-ui and fixing some bugs
Made me happy:
- NeosCon & Sprint
- New Team member (Simon)
- Working “Dummy ESCR instance” (trying/demonstrating new concepts we discussed at the Sprint)
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- push dummy ESCR implementation to Github (personal repository)
Marc Henry:
Made me happy:
- NeosCon & Sprint
- Talked a lot about Fusion improvements with Manuel Meister
- Talked about Fusion standalone and Eel standalone
- Learned lot about architecture and state management
- Pnpm build for the NeosUI did not work but im happy we now roll with also fast yarn3
- Still could not get NeosUI with esbuild to work but will delay that idea → basic idea is to get rid of babel.
- Why is Debian not supported by the JS testing Framework Playwright ^^
- Improve ClientEval ClientEval for functions
to avoid endless rerender · Issue #3117 · neos/neos-ui ( - Think about improving the Neos documentation
- Improve ClientEval ClientEval for functions
Søren Malling:
Made me happy:
- Moved mail to Fastmail from Gmail
- Testing/migrating to eventsourcing in my live project - scary/new stuff
- Bought a tractor
- Should I use the AbstractAggreateRoot class here?!?!
- Running tired in simple frontend stuff - what do others do? Your stack?
- Route Annotations
- Will watch the talk “A modern Flow application by example” from Neoscon once it’s available
Made me happy:
- Neos Conference, Sprint, Podcast episode about the Con
- watched some Neos Con talks
- new longtime supporter
- talked with Fabian about re-architecting the Neos Funding Backend
- ideas with Stefan and Fabian about updated supporter level prices for the higher tiers
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- talk to Neos Award winners about becoming longtime supporters
Made me happy:
- Weather is nice, working in the garden & pool
- Family healthy again
- Developing code editor plugin with lots of completions for crazy shit
- Talking about svelte a working draft podcast
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@all: New Events we plan to attend and spread the word about Neos?
- …