Team Unicorn - Team Meeting, 2017-01-23

Gerhard, Martin, Sebastian, Christian

Happy: Setup Neos 3 for a new project and like it.
Unhappy: Stressed at work.
Done: Some generic neos de typoscripting and discuss activity. Still playing with the fusion parser.
Plans: Nothing specific

Happy: getting closer to release
Unhappy: too much work stress
Done: some reviews and fixes, worked on distribution “update” script

Happy: Still seeing a lot of activity on GitHub (new PRs & Reviews).
Unhappy: nothing really
Done: Reviewed some stuff (mostly release related).
Since the last meeting I renamed the standard authentication backend provider and provided migrations.
I have around 12 open PRs right now, about 50% of them are release related, but rather small stuff).

HAPPY: nice holidays
UNHAPPY: didn’t follow Discuss recently
DONE: worked on Structure View for React Neos UI; figured out next steps release-wise for Neos-React-UI; worked on Video Streaming Setup for Neos Conference; created schedule for Neos Conference; worked on Neos.EventSourcing – Support for multiple event stores
NEXT STEPS: continue working on React UI; try to get some more back to community work (discuss etc); finish on Neos.EventSourcing package (support for multiple event stores); together with Tobias put Conference Schedule online (ETA today)