The release board for 7.3 LTS has been cleaned + updated release date

Update from todays Release Manager meeting for 7.3 LTS :partying_face:

  • Features that didn’t make it has been added to the 8.0 board (for the next team to decide what happens to them).
  • Larger bugs and tasks has been detached from the project board.
  • What is left, are tasks that we as release managers believe will make it.
  • Do you happen to work on issues or tasks that you have a PR ready for, ping us (@sorenmalling @m.u.guenther @jonnitto) and we will gladly add it to the board.
  • The login wallpaper submitting is open.
  • At #team-tiga weekly (tomorrow), the naming will be a topic.

Since we only just opened the submission of login wallpapers, we decided to postpone the release with one week.

The release date is now 8/12 and the Github project board has been updated with the according date

Link to the project board:

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