«uncached» mode for particular nodeType or flush cache by typoscript

I use a workaround for speedUp the backend for sites with a lot of tags. Therefore I use a reduced backend-site for split the later-on concat frontend-view.
But with reference, Neos does not notice the change in resulting frontend-site. Because the database-value is still the same (I guess), also after change the linked reference-split-backend-site.
So, I have to flush the cache before I can check frontend-websites, resulting layout, css, …
with all the drawbacks: new Login in Backend, wait until the hole website and all the needed cache is generated

Each of Link/Reference is concat with my own nodeType (SmarterCollector). So maybe I could stop the caching for this particular nodeType, or flush the cache of the interconnected frontend-resulting-page with TypoScript?
In docu I can’t find a notice about cache/cachetime/mode for particular nodetypes or use typoscript for.
But often Noes provides a lot more stuff to work with, then I can find in docu …

Does anyone know a way to disable the cache for a specific nodeType in general?
Is the cache of a specific Site flushable by TypoScript?

You can set the cache mode of your desired nodetype to uncached.

prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Plugin) {
        @cache {
                mode = 'uncached'

See: http://neos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/CreatingASite/ContentCache.html

Hi Klaus

it seems to work. Thank you. I skimmed the chapter before and thought the example with Typo3.Neos.Plugin has to do only with Neos-Plugins :frowning:. Stupid i know, now that I’ve read everything. Seems skimming english is much more difficult and error prone for me, then in german …

Because I reuse a reference with the «Vendor.Site:SmarterCollector» I’m not sure, if it works like it should, or I would like to. The FrontEnd Rendering is during longer then without, and if I change the value in linked NodeType, in Frontend the output is changed correctly. But is the original/linked NodeType still cached? And all the parentNodes from the referenceOutput?

The reload of Frontend-Site is during much more longer then without(, although there are only 5 elements linked to original, hope stored resources. I only like to disabled the unnecessary double caching from original and linked elements). Maybe the uncaching has a to wide range.

Is there a way to check the difference in File-Content?
Should the cache-file store under Site/Data/Temporary/…? (can’t find some logically sounding name of Directory- or File-Name)
Is there a way to printout the Identifier, if this is the fileName for the cache-File stored for particular «Vendor.Site:SmarterCollector»?

Sorry, I am no pro and I think I do not understand your issue completely, but to test my cache settings, I often use flow helper which prints only the current time. In this way I see which element is cached and which not.

Happy testing :wink:

@sualko thank you for your help.
Do you use it in your own phpCode or in typscript/template.
Could you share some example?

Does anyone know a way to output cache-data, or maybe there is an exist helper? Like:

##use in template
<f:debug cacheData=true>{nodeType}</f:debug> 
##resulting sourceCode something like this
<div class="neos-nodeTypeXY">this is an simple textContent or something really complicated</div>
<!-- f-debug-cache-info: cached at: 1468845240 unixtime, CacheFileIndentifier: blublu12234blabla  -->