Upgrading to Flow 3.0

I’m currently trying to upgrade to Flow 3.0 and have lots of resources. The command that migrates to the new resource-saving schema works fine but I’m experiencing some other problems, where you hopefully be able to help.

When running ./flow resource:clean I get errors that are also described here:https://jira.neos.io/browse/NEOS-1535
If I set ON DELETE to CASCADE manually in the database the command works.

When running ./flow resource:publish in the live system this just runs into a timeout and I’ve already asked dfeyer on slack - he’ll hopefully be able to help :slight_smile:
But the command also gives me another error:
Could not publish "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/passcreator-local-dev/Data/Persistent/Resources/4/d/f/8/4df8494b4927803158e6427678b91b333f598dc4" into resource publishing target "localWebDirectoryPersistentResourcesTarget" because the source file could not be symlinked at target location.
The file that is stated there is existing so do you guys know why it doesn’t work? I can’t see what’s the problem there.


I’ve got another error during resource:publish - its “Could not create directory”

Did further research and I have lots of resources in the typo3_flow_resource_resource table that are no longer referenced anywhere else. I think I’ll have to clean this up before the upgrade…
Do you guys know if it’s safe to delete the entries in the resource table that aren’t used anywhere else or will that lead to problems?
I have a cleanup script for 2.x that deletes all files on disc that are no longer in the resource table so I should be able to clean up the Resources folder itself on disc.

Should be all right, but to be sure make a backup and try it out.

Thanks @aertmann! That’s exactly what I did. Looks good so far and I might publish this as a package since I’ve wrapped it in a command controller.