[Workaround found] Neos installation/setup problematic (on Uberspace)


I think it is highly likely that you can’t import the demo site package because doing so exceeds Uberspace’s memory limit and the process is terminated.

On running ./flow site:import, are you sure the command did go through successfully? When I did that it quit after a minute or so with Terminated.

I had about the same problems you had:

  • setup cant load assets
  • site cant load assets
  • backend keeps refreshing

all these were fixed by removing the half-complete import of the demo site with ./flow site:prune and going through the setup again but this time not importing a demo site but creating my own barebones dummy.

You can also create a site package via the CLI with ./flow kickstart:site and then you’d probably import that with ./flow site:import. However I’m not sure what parametes you wuld have to specify for the latter command. While messing around I created the site dummy via the CLI and imported it via the setup GUI.

I also created an own thread about that, see there for details.
