Wrong orientation on large images

Hello everyone,

I’m having a strange problem that generated presets of large images files (5-12mb) get rotated by 90° or 180°.

This happens with Neos 5.3 and 7.0.

Example preset

original image
Foto 20.09.19, 09 27 48

Does anyone else expericenced this issue or has an idea why this happens?

Kind regards,

I think there were issues with rotation values stored in the image.
And recently a bugfix https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/pull/3147

So it‘s possible there is another problem, if you already use the latest version.

Thank you Sebastian.
This might be the issue, at least I could reproduce the problem with the image provided in the issue https://github.com/neos/neos-development-collection/issues/3148

Should I create a new github issue for this?