Make sure you have read the contribution introduction.
General development documentation
- Development setup
- RFC, bug triage/fix and task priorisation process
- creating pull requests and getting them merged
- flow / neos
- coding guidelines (psr-2/styleci)
- commit message styleguide
- code review process
- committers guide
- static analysis guide
- issues
- tags
- releases
- voting/reviewing
- translation
- documentation (Neos/Flow)
- contributing directly in Github
- continous integration
- travis
- code climate
- styleci
- testing
- unit tests
- functional tests
- behavioral tests
- policy
- writing
Additional development documentation
- schema
- package overview (Neos/Flow)
- debugging
- scramble translations
- logging
- versioning strategy (Neos/Flow)
- releasing (Neos/Flow)
- merged composer.json
- tools
Neos specific development documentation
- general introduction
- styling
- demo site
- code structure
- JS backend
- minified (built)
- grunt
- structure
- browser caching
- external API
- jQuery
- backend controllers
- services
- JS backend
- EEL (parser)
Flow specific development documentation
- code structure
Other resources
- Hub is a command-line wrapper for git that makes you better at GitHub.
- How to undo (almost) anything with Git
- Distributed Git - Contributing to a Project
- Distributed Git - Maintaining a Project
When are pull requests merged
Note that you need to fork the two development collections depending on which code you want to change. We cannot accept pull requests into the READ-ONLY repositories (like, these are build with the changes.
FAQ section
TL;DR for all sections
ask everyone to read through, add missing stuff and comment
ask everyone to always refer people to the guidelines and if something is missing, add it