A long time ago we discussed adding comments to the documentation of Flow/Neos, but that was shot down due to privacy concerns in the TYPO3 community. Now that we’re no longer in that community and free to do as we see fit, I’d like to suggest that again. What is used for it doesn’t matter too much, although an integration with the Neos account database would be nice, however not a requirement. I know it is possible to integrate Disqus on RTD and they have a nice way of voting best comments up, which is very important for comments on documentation. We don’t want it to be as useless as the php.net comments. Alternatively using Discourse might be possible, but I don’t know.
Would anyone be up for looking into making that happen and is there a general consensus on this being a good idea?
I think that comment in documentation is a really good thing.
I don’t found time to work on the Discourse package, but if we decide to go in this direction I can try start working on it when I’m back from the festival, currently working for the VOD service. Back in Lausanne around the 18th of august
I really like the idea of keeping it indie !!! I must say I’m having a great experience with the discuss.neos.io platform powered by http://www.discourse.org/, so why should we hand out internal communication on the docs to a third party like discuss?
I don’t like the idea of needing a discus account or handing over legitimation to discus via twitter, facebook, etc. to make a simple comment!
P.S.: Other topic: Just today I realized how good the indexing of read-the-docs is working… searching something like “flowframework policy” takes me to the correct place right away!