Composer create-project neos/neos-base-distribution mySite not working. Windows

Basically, I’m trying to install Neos but every time I try it doesn’t work.

The error translates to: “The system cannot find the given path”

Hi and welcome to Neos :wink:

Windows is sometimes a bit tricky - but in your case it seems it is our fault.
The composer post-create-project-cmd neos-base-distribution/composer.json at 088a3d899a1c7fbe25c9147fb533545644dccd95 · neos/neos-base-distribution · GitHub
./flow welcome is only optional, but breaks in your case (because of windows.)

As a workaround, just clone the repo GitHub - neos/neos-base-distribution: Distribution providing a basis for starting new Neos projects, checkout the correct branch and do a composer install :wink:

Then you can (optionally) run .\flow.bat afterwards

Well, it turns out this is a duplicate of: Setting up Neos with XAMPP - Community / Newcomer’s Corner - Discuss Neos – the official forum of the Neos project

And my guess above is wrong. See Setting up Neos with XAMPP - #5 by ReHa01 for the solution ;D

made an issue: composer create-project neos/neos-base-distribution fails on windows · Issue #59 · neos/neos-base-distribution (