Foundation Budget Proposal Voting 2023

Dear Team and Foundation Members,

As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves with important tasks remaining, chief among them being the allocation of our foundation’s budget. It is imperative that we make informed decisions to ensure that the funds are utilized optimally and prevent unnecessary tax payments.

This year, we present the following budget proposals for your consideration, and we seek your votes on the entire budget plan at once:

Neos 9 (Budget for Neos 9):

4.000 € - Neos 9.0 Fundamentals & DX (Bastian)
1.600 € - Finalize Subtree Tags (Bastian)
2.400 € - High-Level CR Import for Neos 9 (Marc Henry)
4.000 € - Neos NodeTemplates for Neos 9 (Marc Henry)
1.000 € - Refactor "ContentStreamID" to "Workspace Name" (Bernhard)
2.400 € - Re-implement Timable Node Visibility (Denny)
1.200 € - ContentCache Flushing (Denny)
1.200 € - AssetUsage (Denny)
4.000 € - Workspace Module (Anke and Sebastian H)
3.200 € - Upgrade Documentation/Guide (Karsten)
5.000 € - Performance Optimization & Stability (Christian)

Other (Funding Request: Other topics 2023):

5.000 € - Relaunch (Jon)
3.000 € - Neos UI Environment Upgrade (Markus, Marc Henry, Sebastian H)
3.000 € - T3n Neos Debug Rewrite (Sebastian H)

Total: 41.000 €

Please cast your vote with a simple “Yes” or “No” for the entire budget plan. For those seeking additional details, we have comprehensive posts on each topic that can be referred to for more information.

As we approach the holiday season, we want to take this opportunity to extend warm wishes to all members of our foundation. May this festive season bring you joy, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your dedication and hard work throughout the year.

Best regards,


  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

@christianm and me propose that this voting is open until 27.12. 12:00 CET


As a long-term supporter, it would be interesting to see what budget is available. As also stated in Slack, there is currently no transparency. It was announced to improve this, but in the meantime it would be important to have some context: How much money can be spent?


Hi Lorenz this is a super valid point and indeed pretty upsetting that we currently have no transparency about our funding. The transparency is a must have and we are working currently on evaluating the possible options. I hope to see real progress beginning next year.

But to answer what we can spend this year: According to our piggy bank managers that would be 35.000€. The budget above exceeds the budget by 6.000€.

But as @tobias said

We can agree on a higher budget and either take a small loss in 2023 or put some invoices towards 2024.

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Thanks, @Marc, I haven’t seen this statement before. It’s a good thing that so much money can be invested.

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Thank you for the votes.
The result is now locked in and the budgets are granted.

I hope you had a good Christmas and i wish everyone a happy new year!