Funding Request: Neos 9.0 (Version 2)


you might still remember our Funding Request from July. With the start of this month we used up the funding - but don’t plan to stop here with development :wink:

Our goal continues to be releasing Neos 9.0 this winter. There is little time left but we still have big ambitions. Our current working mode is unstoppable and we have been incredible active. In the past weeks and months we were able to complete major tasks and continue to do so. The last funding left a big impact and allowed us to put countless hours and more into Neos 9. It was a delight to be able do what we love - to do what is needed.

So to fulfil our goals and continue working hard with the current momentum we apply for financially backing also our upcoming work.

What have we accomplished so far?

We are in the process on creating a dedicated outline of all the sponsored work of ours. A link will follow soon.

But for the meantime, you can look over to the past beta releases which were created in the time frame and contain a lot of sponsored work:

EDIT: please head over to Funding Request: Neos 9.0 - #2 by lubitz for a full funding report.

What do we plan to work on?

The Neos 9 Betas are thriving but we always find new challenges.

There are still big blocker bugs that we need to tackle and more that are popping up on the go.

Some of the work power will continue to be also on big features like Security and Import where we are currently progressing nicely.

A lot of work still awaits us for writing documentation.

To ease upgrading we plan to create a big well described upgrade instruction. It should allow to easily look up removed APIs and tell their replacement. And for simpler cases we can write an automated migration.

What happens after Neos 9.0.0?

With the tag the real fun begins. Around and after the release we need all the resources we can get. To ensure a stable and good experience.

Tasks like migrating other packages (like some from FlowPack) and also fine tuning the documentation is expected in the period.

Who will work on this?

In general anyone is welcome to work on the tasks and bugs. Please suggest your project in our core weekly (fridays, 11:15am, #neos-core-dev) so we can coordinate your efforts and align with the team.

The following team members have currently committed to working on these topics:

  • Bastian
  • Bernhard
  • Christian
  • Denny
  • Marc Henry
  • Sebastian H
  • Sebastian K
  • Markus

What do we need?

We would like to apply for a common funding of 30.000 €.

The current way of distributing the funding internally based on tracked working time worked well so far. Thats why we want to continue and request this budget for the whole Neos Team.

We will track our efforts in a dedicated spreadsheet to keep an overview of the budget and a later billing. Also we will align in the core weekly meetings (fridays, 11:15am CET, #neos-core-dev).

If we need less than the expected amount until February 2025 we would give the left over budget back into the funding budget for other projects.

Please add your vote in the voting below and feel free to ask questions or give feedback in the thread.

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

The voting closes on Monday 18.11.2024 at 11:18am.


To give everyone a little more time for the voting the poll will only be closed this Wednesday at 12:00. Please give your vote until then and feel free to ask your questions;)

Also the full funding report for the last funding is now available at Funding Request: Neos 9.0 - #2 by lubitz for full transparency <3

EDIT: 26.11. The voting has been closed with all 13 votes in favour of the budget, and thus the budget is granted.