Funding Request: Neos 9.0 (Version 2)

Hey, a little up-date for this funding. We spend most of the time by now already and we were able to keep the progress of development by releasing striving betas as well as working on external neos packages.

Our progress so far

Core development

Since November, we released multiple beta versions, each introducing new features, bug fixes, and enhancements to stability, performance, and overall quality. Detailed information about each release can be found in the release notes and changelogs:

External packages

We started upgrading the code and depending packages of the current to Neos 9. We tested our rector migrations on the code and improved them where necessary. Among other packages we worked on the following to slowly extend the support for the Neos 9 eco system:

  • neos/redirect-neosadapter
  • flowpack/flowpack-fullpagecache
  • flowpack/varnish
  • flowpack/listable
  • webexcess/openstreetmap

Funding for the release

Funding of a major release is normally accounted for by 54hours. For releasing the major version Neos 9 the Neos team agreed to grant 100hours (at 100€ per hour). We will coordinate the funding team internally to delegate it to the respective release managers and others helping with the release.

Release funding of 10.000€ for Neos 9

10 members granting the budget: Marc Henry Schultz, Karsten Dambekalns, Bastian Waidelich, Markus Günther, Martin Ficzel, Sebastian Kurfürst, Paula Kallert, Bernhard Schmitt, Anke Häslich, Christian Müller
0 members denying.