in a current project, we deal a lot with dimension-changes language/currency. Dimensions is such a cool work. Compared to other CMS simply brilliant – Thank you core-developers!
##Super easy daly-work with dimensions
I love the easy way with the shine through fallback dimension. It makes the work so easy and the needed changes such little.
###Danger to write in the wrong dimension
What I have realized too, is the danger of double occupancy in the easy-peasy daly-work.
It’s such simple to overwrite the «wrong» dimension in the heat of the moment and when dimensions are in the same language but different regions/targeted consumer/only currency-diff/small spelling diffs(like ch/de).
Maybe I’m the only one with this pit. But:
In daly work I see, some stuff to change in the fallback shine-trough dimension. Do this and that. Think about the needful changes in the other dimension. switch to this, do stuff there, jump to the next, …
Really easy to work! – Then, oh, an idea for the SERP-Description, or a base change for all site, or the title, or what ever : BANG! Did in wrong dimension
####No easy clean-up for wrong dimension stuff
Do stuff back, when overwritten and saved in the second, third or fourth dimension, BUT NOT in the right fallback-dimensions is hard and dangerous hand-work …
I know, it’s my fault, but in daly work it happens more then once.
Very hard to go back, because of the created new node-content-value-entry in 2 DB-tables. I only found the way over the manually clean of the two involved DB-tables.
##Do you know a more simple way?
If you would have an less dangerous way to clean-up wrong created dimension from a node totally –
Please push me in the right direction!
#A possible help/solution could be…
The dimension-Selector have to share his GUI-location with the text-formatting stuff. Also he don’t like to come back, when the space would be free…
So in daly work, most of the time, the dimension-selector is hidden.
… the own place for Neos-USP «dimensions»
Why, in Neos-Backend there is such huge empty place beside the Editor-Menu? Maybe there could be a better place for dimensons-menu/selector. With this place, the dimension could be all the time visible. At least, editors could better realize in which dimension they do stuff.
Nothing is pefect, but …
I know, not perfect to prevent faults – But I guess a lot better chance to see a fault before he grows up at five different nodes in the same document!
Also less needed site-reloads to «get back the dimension-selection visible» and with this get back «the secure to edit at the right place».
What you think about?
Do I this in a wrong way? Or is this a common fault also for other editors?
####Please share your thoughts.
Question to the core team?
What you are thinking about?
If the place and implementation could be a good issue, where I could/should write it down? (Github Issue? some special place? special tag?)
Are there some thoughts/plans/work in progress in a similar direction? Doubled issue?