Next UX coffee discussion around DropDown, and yet an other research iteration
Immersive Dropdown
The DropDown basically replace the full inspector content, making more options visible, cleanup the UI, focus on the current action and avoid any contrast issue with the editors bellow the drop down.
- A drop down can be big, options must be visible (at least as much as possible)
- Less scrolling
- Solve the issue when the dropdown is in the bottom of the inspector
- Scale in responsive design, works better on small screen
- Can use the same Functional & Perceptional pattern like the Navigation principle (Improving backend navigation)
- Full Inspector Editor, should be a standard pattern, so things like closing must have a consistent pattern between editors (the up caret is OK for a DropDown, but not for something else). The state of the inspector (layered) must be visible, and the way to go back explicit