Planning Meeting in Nuremberg 29th-31st August

Tobias Gruber [16:55]
hey teams! I’ve had a chat with @andi about a possible next sprint in Nuremberg from 29th-31st August. After that there are the TYPO3 Developer Days in the same location, so not much chance to extend it.
In the synchronizers group we have discussed that it’s time for another retro as well (which would take a few hours). And on the 31st August andi has reserved the whole location which would be great to organize some sort of event.
IMHO it doesn’t make too much sense to do all three things (sprint, retro, event) in 3 days. What are your thoughts?

I created a doodle for making the voting a bit easier

So but it would still be an option to sprint 2 days, and then go for a retro and do a event afterwards?

I think “event” would be more of a open development session, where we invite devs to come to the sprint and ask questions. Not a Meet Neos or anything business related.

A retro and an event on the same day won’t fit imho…

3 Days sounds a bit short for a sprint and as I won’t attend the dev days it sounds like a lot of travelling to me. On the other hand it’s also just a few days away from home which makes it easier to come :wink: But keep in mind that probably the first day is already lost because of people arriving and stuff.

So in 3 days not much coordinated development would happen I think, so maybe calling it ‘sprint’ is not the right naming, it would soonish become an open development space where indeed people could get to meet the team and get started with contributions.

I would really love that

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It’s more of a hackathon


That would be cool!

Hackathon style meet&code sounds more appropriate for the short timeframe.


I like Neos Hackathon ‘Meet & Code’ :slight_smile:

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Hi all,

thanks for you feedback! We could get a meeting room for 20 people for 199 EUR a day on Monday and Tuesday, which sounds OK to me.

My main question would be: what will be the event on Wednesday? Will it be public? Will we sell tickets for something? If so we could also provide a combi Ticket for our event and T3DD, if we want that.

If we want to get people from the outside in, we would have to announce something like nowish. If its just a team hakthon we would waste a big location for only 20 people I fear.

Any ideas/wishes?

Greets Andi

@andi: is a Meet & Code ok or did you image something bigger? With talks etc.?

Well, it depends on what we can get up. We would have the possibility to have talks in the big hall with a lot of people. We would have several smaller workshop or session rooms. Everything is possible, we just have to decide and announce.

I guess, if we do a rather informal hakathon / meet & code session, not many people besides the code sprint attendees will join us and the location would be mainly unused, besides some guys sprinting and some others arriving for T3DD and saying hello…

The plan I discussed with @tobias1 would be to have a code sprint starting on Monday and finish it all up with a free bar camp like event on Wednesday. I guess that’s a good compromise to have a code sprint and use the great location to invite some externals…

Please fill in the following doodle by end of this week, that we can fix the location:


we got some further details about the location. Apparently the T3 Association has booked the whole location on Wednesday for us as we had said last year, that we would like to do an event before T3DD again…

This means 3.000€ in location rent + any food, drinks etc. we would need for the attendees.

imho this is a lot of money for a free barcamp without any sponsors and a totally uncertain number of interested people.

@andi and I brainstormed some options:

  • keep current plan (2 days sprint + 1 day barcamp); total costs will likely be >5.000€
  • Upgrade barcamp on Wednesday with admission fee and sponsors (need to be found), to cover some costs
  • Make event about more than Neos/Flow to attract more and different attendees and sponsors (e.g. PHP/JS/CMS in general)
  • cancel the whole thing (to the extent possible - might still incur some costs)
  • Ostrich-Option: “don’t see no problem, let the others deal with it”

0 voters

If you have any other creative ideas, let us know :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone who voted! @andi and I will discuss the way forward.

Alright, you voted it, so here it comes:

#Neos DevCamp 2016

When: 31st August 2016, 9:00-18:00
Where: Castle Nuremberg
Event type: barcamp

Ticket fee: 29€

Until we have an event website up, these are the key information:

##Draft agenda:

9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 Session Planning
11:00 - 12:30 Session Slot 1
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Session Slot 2
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00 Session Slot 3
17:30 - Dinner & Socializing

##Budget and Sponsoring

We estimate 5.500€ in total costs. As we don’t want to make tickets too expensive, we are looking for sponsors:

  • 2-3 Gold Sponsors (1.000€)
  • 2-4 Silver Sponsors (500€)
  • Breakfast Sponsor (300€)
  • Lunch Sponsor (500€)
  • Dinner Sponsor (700€)
  • Beer Sponsor (200€)

Here is the event website:
Please register to join us! :slight_smile: