Attending: Aske, Berit, Karsten
- JIRA handling of bigger projects
- Kitchen Duties
- First projects
JIRA handling of bigger projects
The question is how to handle bigger projects that need to be split across teams.
Current approach assigning epics or stories to boards won’t always be granular enough in case a story is shared worked on by two teams simultaneously. Problem is that tasks with sub-tasks aren’t shown in epics and sub-tasks can inherit the sprint from the parent story.
One way to solve this would be to create an epic per sub-project, but with this a way to have an overview of all the “epics in the project” is missing.
Another way would be create additional projects in JIRA for those projects. This allows to have the full overview, but setting up those projects means some overhead. Unless such projects come up very often, the latter would be a viable approach.
Currently we see the following “big projects” coming up:
- website relaunch
- Neos JS refactoring
- ask @daniellienert if he has more/better ideas on this topic
- otherwise create a project for the website (@aertmann)
- the JS refactoring stays inside Neos, it’s “product’s project”
- for large product projects stories that are worked on my more than one team is only shown in the board of the team who’s responsible for the story even though certain tasks are assigned to externals
Kitchen Duties
Teams agree to the suggested handling, rotating weekly. We will start with it next week. The schedule will be added to the team calendar by @kdambekalns. Inbox needs to have all team members added and the “team queues” be added (@kdambekalns will take care)
Having a slack channel for notifications from Inbox would be nice, ping @robert to set that up.
First projects
The Unicorn team wants to work on:
- the package manager refactoring
- asset metadata
- new media browser package
Team Tiga would work on:
- website
- security related changes
The Minions (would like to) work on:
- workspace handling
- 2.1 release (including support for PHP7!?)
- working PostgreSQL support
Next meeting
- check “old backlog” and old issues to get them tackled
- next Thursday, 11:00 GMT+1, every week from then on