Minutes Transition Team Meeting 2015-11-16
Participants: Aske, Christian, Tobias
Previous meeting notes: https://discuss.neos.io/t/minutes-transition-team-meeting-2015-11-09/623
Team Structure
- has been put on the website (URL)
- needs graphics touch to highlight areas
- TODO Tobi: talk to Berit and possibly others to do it
Projects for the teams
- Projects input into Jira is ongoing, being added to the team boards
- read prioritizers minutes for latest updates
Kitchen Duties
- all teams agreed process for kitchen duties -> see prioritizer minutes https://discuss.neos.io/t/prioritizers-protocol-meeting-2015-11-12/635 and https://discuss.neos.io/t/prioritizers-protocol-meeting-2015-11-03/610
- TODO: Aske, review documentation
- Council Meeting took place on 10th Nov
- do an in-person workshop during Sprint in Dresden in March 2016 to work on vision
Transition Team Board
Discussion Point
- TODO: Transition team validate the focus of the transition team and discuss how the work will continue
Kickstart Guilds (COPs)
- name has been polled and decided: https://discuss.neos.io/t/new-name-for-cop/565/19
- Update Guild-Channels in Slack with link to Guidelines
- figure out, who is in a Guild
- TODO Tobi: try a guild-kickstart with the #product-strategy guild