Project proposal: Improve UI/UX for content security

The goal of this project is to make the frontend login and content security usable for integrators and editors.
Currently it’s some effort to make this work nicely and is a common requirement in many projects.

The epic for this project is


  • Make it possible to highlight protected pages/content in tree or in the page (this will need some discussions what can be done)
  • Give editors better feedback if an action is not permitted by showing a helpful message
  • Disable backend actions which are not permitted by a users role


  • Finish nodeProperty and parentNodeProperty conditions in NEOS-1458


  • Redirect after login/logout configurable
  • Hints on how to start with password reset in documentation (hard to implement in a generic way)
  • Implement example group visibility mixins
  • Improve documentation with examples
  • Tackle issues with csrf tokens and multiple login forms on the same page (First form always takes the token and the second one can’t access it, so just ignore token in index action)


  • Use resulting new features

could you elaborate on that a little? Is that about hiding/disabling buttons in the UI mainly?

And one concern regarding Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin: I think we should try to keep that as reusable as possible (that’s why I removed a lot of “example”-code from it at some point). The “redirect-feature” is certainly very useful and generic enough. But already the “password reset” can be quite specific to the “business needs” and the technical implementation (i.e. authentication provider…). Therefore I think it needs to be quite configurable or implemented in a separate package that depends on the FrontendLogin.

The other three bullet points are totally valid and it would be great if those were tackled.
Could you add some more details on the “Fix bugs with multiple logins”-part though?

Ok thanks for the feedback, I changed the points accordingly.
I think for the pw reset it’s good to give at least some hints in the documentation when people look for it.