Team Tiga | Protocol: Team Meeting | 2015-11-10

TEAM TIGA - Team Meeting, 2015-11-10

Participants: Aske, Bastian, Sebastian H., Tobias
Missing: Andi, Markus

Jira TeamBoard

Is set up:
It is not scoped.

General rule: If a project was discussed and a proposal was posted to discourse initiators are free to create tickets (if not done already) and add it to the “sprint” if there are no objections.
To assign a ticket to the team -> add it to the Tiga sprint


Project Relaunch

  • Aske will create/reorder related tickets to be prioritized/distributed during our next team meeting
  • Bastian wants to start working on some initial research/prototype for the team page plugin

Kitchen duties

Prioritizers came up with a definition of kitchen duties:
Three areas:

  • E-Mail (idea: merge all into one inbox)
  • Pull request
  • Jira tickets

Idea: assign one team per week to take care/dispatch tasks for one of the areas (rotating)

  • Improve funding/sponsoring information on the current website
  • Sebastian H and Tobias will take care


Tobias joined the branding process.

Gerrit/ projects

projects/repositories unrelated to TYPO3 should be migrated to a new server or github by the end of 2015!

TODO for everyone: check if there is a repository on that you want to keep after that time and migrate it. (the core packages are migrated to already, and some of the popular community packages to

Tiny misunderstanding in the end, everyone is to check for unmigrated changes of theirs, not repositories (although that’s also a good idea to do), and create a kitchen duty ticket (example) if they have some changes pending or just fix it if it’s only a little.

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Right, I forgot about that. Thanks!